Monday, August 30, 2010

Live Yoga Class on my Website this evening!

Log onto my website for a free live yoga class at 6:30-8:00.
Beginner - Intermediate, hour and a half class.

See you there :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 5 detox Cleanse

Detox day 5 : Holly energy that contrast sure worked! Wolk up ready to get things done...had a very productive fun day. My closet hasn't looked this good since I moved in :)
Morning: Fruit and mint, ginger, hibiscus and rose-hip tea
Afternoon : Nori seaweed wraps stuffed with mashed avocado, a squeeze of lemon juice and salt topped with grated cucumber, shredded red leaf lettuce, chopped tomatoe and celery
Evening juiced : Apple, beet, celery, ginger, kale, carrot, lemon juice and salt.
Snack: Fruits and veggis.
Yoga: Pranayama: prep Kriyas: Kapalabhati and Nauli in the morning and a long evening asana practice. Had so much energy I felt like the energizer bunny... just kept going and going!
Note: Definetly feel like I have finally gotten over the cravings! Still not as focused as normal but really made some break throughs in my asana practice!

Day 4 Detox Cleanse

Detox day 4 : Was feeling in need of getting more of the toxins out of my body so I could get back to feeling myself again so opted for a long Contrast therapy session.
Morning: Fruit and mint, ginger, hibiscus and rose-hip tea
Afternoon : Soup with beets, onion, garlic, oregano, thyme, celery, kale and Cayenne. Bolied with water and blended.
Evening juiced : Apple, fennel root, celery, ginger, kale, carrot, lemon juice and salt.
Snack: Fruits and veggis. Ate bananas like they were going out of style!
Yoga: Pranayama: prep Kriyas: Kapalabhati and Nauli in the morning followed by a 2hr contrast therapy session where I did the forward folds series with long holds.
Contrast Therapy : A system of detoxifying the whole body while stimulating the blood flow through joints and muscles. You start in a hot room... sauna or steam room atay in the heat for as long as possible then go stand under a cold shower for as long as possible... the colder the better. You repeat back and forth between hot and cold as many times as you wish. Drinking water when needed and really paying attention to your body so as not to over do it.
Note: When doing contrast in the cold water... I find it is easier to start of with slighty warm water than move to cold.... at least for the first round or two :) I also look for a removable shower head so I can isolate the cold to specific areas. This seems to increase the length of will power to stay in the cold water. My ideal would be to jump into the ocean or a cold lake.... but I stay out of chlorinated pools because after opening your pores in the heat the last thing you want to do in jump in chemicals.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 3 Detox Cleanse

Detox day 3 : Woke up feeling great ... still the odd headache and a bit of "cleanse fog " throughout the day but all in all amazing and tones of energy . Top tip:: have plenty of cleanse friendly food on hand.... so you don't get tempted :)
Morning: Fruit and mint, ginger, hibiscus and rose-hip tea
Afternoon : Mixed salad with avo dressing :: mash avocado, lemon and / or juice with zest. chopped garlic, grated ginger and Himalayan salt... mix into salad for a creamy cleanse friendly treat.
Evening juiced : Apple, beet, celery, ginger, garlic, kale, carrot, mustard greens, lemon juice and salt.
Snack: Fruits and veggis.
Yoga: Pranayama prep, Kapalabhati, Nauli and salt water flush kriyas in the morning followed by a strong yoga class in the afternoon focusing on twists and back-bends.
Salt water flush : In the morning on an empty stomach drink 1 -2 liters warm salt water... approximately a table spoon of salt per liter. It will take between 1 -2 uncomfortable hours to kick in and then you can expect to be off and on the toilet for approximately an hour so plan you timing accordingly. Twists and forward folds seem to help speed up the process. An essential part of cleansing is to rid the body of toxins... this kriya cleanses the digestive track of blockages or accumulated gasses and toxins. If salt water flushing is not at all an opion try a natural laxative tea such as Seena leaf instead.
Note: When detoxing stool is not its usual self so don't be shocked by odd colours, serious running stool or frequent trips to the toilet.... it is all par for coarse to get the junk out of your system

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Detox Cleanse

Motive: Clean out my system and tame my cravings... after 20 days of family dinners :: Montreal baking and Alberta BBQ's my jeans are all a wee bit tight!
Plan : Eat only fresh fruits and Vegitables, drink plenty water and herbal Teas, do salt water flushes, steam/sauna contrast therapy and plenty of yoga. Daily Pranayama and Kriyas.

Detox day 1: Well for a chocolate, honey, pie addict like myself day one is as close to hell as I care to get. The withdrawal headaches were pretty intense and emence stomach pain and bloating were shall we say .... not comfortable. Started the detox on my day off, wise decision!
How did I get through: Plenty of sweet fruits , mango, watermelon, apples and bannana. An afternoon steam/ sauna contrast therapy session which is staying in the heat ( sauna or steam ) as long as you can then taking a cold shower for as long as you can... going back and forth between hot and cold as many times as you can.
Morning : fruit and tea of fresh mint and ginger .
Juiced in the afternoon : apple, carrot, beet, ginger , celery, kale , lemon and salt. Salt is key to cut the bitterness of the greens.
Evening soup : boiled garlic, ginger, onion, tomatoe, celery, kale, swish chard, oregano, cayane pepper and Himalayan salt then blended it with my hand blender.
Snacked : fruit and veggis.
Went to bed feeling like crap but woke in the morning rested and headache free.
Yoga: Pranayama prep and kabula buti, gental short asana practice... glad I didn't teach because I wouldn't have the energy or concentration.
note: the more often you cleanse or the healthier you live the easier the detox is... people who have more toxins in their systems will have flu like symptom and discomfort for at least the first three days. But as the toxins leave your system you will start to feel better and better.

Detox Day 2: Woke up feeling much better :: THANK GOD! But did notice I was a little light headed and slow through out the day... forgot little things like the toilet paper I bought at the supermarket and the collars for the dogs when I walked them. Was late for a class at the senior center which is VERY RARE ... so all in all I felt ok but not quite myself. A little cloudy :)
Morning : fruit and fresh mint and ginger tea.
Afternoon juice : Apple, carrot, celery, garlic, cucumber, kale, lemon and salt...made 2 maison jars for the whole afternoon.
Evening Soup : leftovers from day 1.
Yoga : Pranayama prep and kabula buti in the morning and in the afternoon I had a intense asana practice.. worked hard to induce a sweat, lots of sun salutations, standing poses and back bends.
note: was tired by the end of the day but starting to feel good... less bloating and only a slight headache at points during my day. Had a good sleep wolk up rested.